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The 2nd ISA Activity under ‘Natural Affliction’ for class 10 was held in the premises of the school on 11 September, 2018. The activity was related to Earthquake prone areas in Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, Japan and India. The students participated in Essay writing competition, Article writing competition and gave presentation and prepared scrap files in the monitoring of teachers via peer assessment. This exercise was exhilarating and enthralling. The students prepared comparative tables and bar graphs of the frequency and damaged caused by earthquakes in the last ten years in these countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal Japan and India. The children learnt about the causes and damages of the natural disaster which assessing the loss of man, material and mental trauma. In the reference of the ISA activity’ Natural Afflication’ we conducted an international collaborative activity with partner school named Sudesha School, Nepal in which they shared their conducted activity with the help of Internet tools.